Join the revolution
Imagine what would happen if the behaviouralists at Irrational Change fixed the capacity issues that Scaled Agile is causing for your adoption and value realisation,
That day is here, and we are proud to introduce CATxAgile, a Capacity Adjusted Transformation Agile approach.
CATxAgile factors the leading and lagging drivers of your capacity to adopt change into your strategic planning, allowing you to optimise your agile development lifecycle, developing as close to the capacity for adoption as possible.
Want to know more?
Are you ready to truly optimise your development and adoption process to accelerate and deliver your value?
If you are, then talk to us.
Advanced techniques
CATxAgile uses predictive analytics to give highly accurate assessments of adaptability and the power of AI to track near-to-real-time sentiment and capacity in your teams.
Behaviour-based insights
We use our deep knowledge of human behaviour to create Brain Hacks, Rituals, and Tactics that shift your decision-making, and resource allocations.
Proven to work
This is the same approach we use in our advisory firm, Pike Squared, working with our corporate clients.
As they struggled to realise the value following the adoption of Scaled Agile, we give them the insights that put them back in control.